How to Use Question Answer Websites to reach Customers?

How to Use Question Answer Websites to reach Customers?

For a business which intends to dominate the internet, it is important to understand how people search for information online. No longer are people impressed by copy paste website scripts which define each business as a leading one and all products/services as nothing but the best! People prefer content which is interesting and engaging. They like content that makes life easier by simplifying information and presenting facts in an easy to understand manner. People look for content they can use, content that can benefit them.

Now, consider your own business. What do you think, people type on Google, when they search for it? Do they type your business name? Do they type  your product or services? But, if they don’t know about your business how will they reach you? You can search on Google for your products or services in a given area and see for yourself, if you figure on top Google results. If you are on top ranks, your website will get relevant traffic – people who are looking for your products /services and they can be your customers. If your business is not on top ranks, then you need to do something to ensure it is there.

What people type on Google?

Try searching on Google for something – say coaching classes for NEET or IIT JEE. You will see a number of websites, all saying great things about themselves. They all say that they are No.1. Think of yourself as a serious student who wants to enroll in a course. You can open individual websites and still get nowhere, because every business will promote its services as good no matter what. It is a waste of time, because they all look the same. So, as a customer you will search for reviews, which you will be able to find on Google listing and various directory websites. But, don’t we all know that most of these reviews are paid for? So, whom to trust? Perhaps a 3rd party website where people share expert views and opinions.

Consumer evolution

Yes, most customers go a step further and search for top 5 or top 10 lists on Google which compare various service providers and give pros and cons making things simple and easy to understand. Why customers like these lists? Because comparative lists save time and effort. Content writers know this well and use question answer websites as a preferred tool to publish well written comparative lists which connect with online customers.

Why do we need question answer websites? Isn’t having a website, business pages on social networks not enough? No, it isn’t.

Question answer websites deliver excellent seo for content marketing and help your business get a steady stream of  people looking for your products or services. Create beautifully curated list of with your business with your business included with the best of lot and suddenly you will find a niche audience and a ready consumer base.


Customers spend more time on such 3rd party content because they trust it as it is not some company website (which would anyway call itself the best in business). Quite often such content makes it to top Google ranks, ranking higher above the business websites.

Remember, content is the key. Make sure your content is interesting, original and connects with people. Understand that people have questions and if answer them well, they could well become your customers. Be original, be creative and ask questions which your prospective customers might ask, then try to answer it as an existing customer would, highlighting the pros, carefully wording the cons, comparing models, features, brand value, support and finally sharing your verdict which is based on the your personal views in an honest and matter of fact way. and are top question answer websites where you can publish your lists and get noticed by customers. Its easy, its free and promises top ranks on Google without spending a penny. Here is a list of Top 10 Question Answer websites where you can publish your creative content and market it effectively.

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