Digital Marketing Services India

Internet is the information highway that has changed the way we do business today. It has a huge global impact on economy that we can’t overlook it. As more and more people turn to use internet, it becomes imperative to take your business online for better reach and sales. Having a good website is one thing, promoting it online is another. The more people know about your business, the better is the possibility of selling your products/services. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a must to get your website on top search ranks.

Digital Marketing involves Two kinds of promotions – Paid Marketing and Organic Marketing.

Paid (SMO) Marketing

Paid Marketing (Pay Per Click) uses paid channels like Google Adwords, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, Linkedin Ads, etc  to show your business ads to people using these specific sites. Google Adwords is the top paid marketing channel for businesses as most people prefer to use Google for all kinds of searches.

  • In Google Adwords, the ads are key word based, which are relevant to your business and target a specific location.
  • If you have enough funds you can raise your bids to ensure that your ads are on top of all relevant search results.
  • The ads run on a daily budget specified by you and continue till your money is exhausted. However, you never get to know who clicked on your ads, was it a prospect or your competitor, remains a question.
  • The cost per click is quite high and keyword bids keeps increasing as each business would like their ad to be on top.
  • Google Adwords has potential to deliver HOT leads, but is quite expensive.
  • Being complicated you will need a trained expert to manage your account, instead of spending your money on trying vast number of settings and combinations on your own.
  • To read more about Google adwords pros and cons click here.

Our Forte – Organic Marketing

Organic Marketing is internet marketing done by optimizing Website and linked accounts for business specific key words, targeting people through social channels, local ads, reference websites, business listings.

  • Effective Organic Marketing involves sharing web links, corporate videos, client testimonials, product presentations which generate interest and improve conversion on website and deliver leads.
  • It takes time to grow on the internet, but is reliable, cost effective and delivers good leads.
  • Organic marketing works 24*7, 365 days of the year, ever increasing in its reach and potential. It stays forever.
  • Email marketing is a cost effective means to boost your organic marketing and connect with prospective customers.

Internet Search Facts

Organic marketing (SEO) has a definite edge over Paid (SMO) marketing. But, where to start? What are the things that are essential to generate sales? Listed below are few aspects which are critical to success…

Importance of Effective Website

effective websites

  • The first and most important part of your online marketing campaign is your website.
  • A good website not only provides information in a easy to understand way, with pics and videos, but also involves the visitors to stay longer, explore more pages and generates sales leads.
  • Responsive websites, that work well on mobile, tablets, laptops and desktop computers use latest software, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques, social sharing features and connectivity.
  • Website optimization reduces website load time and helps in retaining your site visitors.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results. It is essential for an efficient website.

There are Two components to SEO:

  • ON Page SEO –  This refers to the Search Engine Optimization done on the website and its individual pages. A good SEO affects the quality of traffic visiting your website, its important because  you want to attract visitors who are genuinely interested in products or services that you offer. Engaging the right people on your website, improves the search engine ranks, and better ranks bring in more relevant visitors.
  • OFF Page SEO – This refers to the Search Engine Optimization done across free to use online platforms – like social networks, media channels, online classifieds, etc. The objective of creating business presence on a wide range of prominent websites is to create a dominating presence in Organic results.

Google Business Listing

Google Business Listing

  • Your small business can gain much by simply getting listed on Google Local Business Listings.
  • All you need is your gmail id, go to and add your business.
  • Remember to select the right business category while creating the listing. Also ensure that the marker on the location map is placed accurately.
  • The business heading should be same as that of your business website for maximum effectiveness.
  • Google will verify your listing with phone call/ postcard to business location and then place your business on google maps. It will show on RELEVANT local searches whenever there is a related search query.

Social Networking

Social Networking

  • In modern age, when distances have been removed by internet, it is imperative for all brands to have a positive and engaging presence on social networks.
  • It is time to create your brand’s social accounts on all major networks like Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Facebook, etc. This is where the people spend most of their time, so it has its importance. Social Media Marketing keeps your business connected with the masses.
  • Following the right people, accounts will connect your social network with your target audience.
  • Frequent postings of interesting offers, updates and social messages will generate interest for your company/brand/products/services and bring in queries.

Q&A Websites

questions answers websites

Q&A websites are great for Digital Marketing. Besides delivering top ranks for digital marketing campaigns there are a lot may reasons to work on the Q&A websites.

  • Bevause on Google, People ask Questions, Not Just Keywords.
  • Questions Include Long Tail Keywords and Provide Genuine, Relative and Authoritative Answers.
  • Posting and linking with Q&A websites Boosts a Website’s SEO and Builds Trust.
  •, and Yahoo Answers are such sites where you can answer questions related to your business and connect with a large audience.

Local Classifieds

Local Classifieds

  • Local classifieds are free to use online ads portals where you can post your local business ads and get noticed.
  • Most of the times, these ads portals have a good search ranks on Google, so you can even consider using paid ads on select classified portals, which will bring your business ad on Google top ranks at a fraction of the cost over google adwords.
  • All you need is to create a short business / services ad with good images, list of advantages, prices and contact details with website link. Posting is FREE on all local online classifieds.
  • Most portals host ads for a specific duration, so review and renew your ads across all portals periodically.

Sharing Media

Sharing Media

  • Youtube, vimeo, dailymotion are FREE to use sites where you can create your business accounts and upload corporate movies, product videos, customer reviews.
  • Slideshare, authorstream, powershow, scribd, docdroid are some of the websites where you can upload your corporate presentations in pptx and PDF format.
  • While posting all media remember to add your business specific keywords to all account details, videos and presentations. The objective here is to bring the viewers to your business website where conversion will happen.
  • Keep all your account links, ids and pws handy so that you can update your presentations anytime you wish.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing

  • Emails are cheap and effective means to reach target audience.
  • It is quite easy to source local email data from service providers in your area and create a free account on one of the numerous email marketing platforms like mailchimp.
  • You can collate your customers data and send them special offers mailers, to bring them back for more sales.
  • From mailchimp, you can send upto 2000 emails in one go, 6 times a month! Yes, its Free!!
  • How does it work? Send an effective emailer campaign in the morning with cool offers of the day in your local area email database, and see the sales queries pouring in the whole day.

Learning & Growing

  • While nothing is perfect for the first time, learning and evolving is what keeps you ahead of your competition.
  • Organic Marketing takes time to learn and use, but it keeps your business alive on the internet 24*7, 365 days of the year even when you stop paying for it.
  • Effective organic marketing requires good understanding of keywords, copy writing, account creations, data management and posting guidelines on various networks.
  • Creating videos, presentations, PDFs & ads takes certain skills which are not much of a challenge to computer savy people.
  • Always connect your leads and final sales to the actual source of the lead, this will help identify the best channel to focus your efforts on.

Time and Effort

  • If you feel that you don’t have the time to learn, understand and apply organic marketing for your business then consider outsourcing it.
  • The advantage of outsourcing is that you save much on time, infrastructure, money & still get expert handling from the very start. This will help improve your business returns!
  • An expert will know where to focus based on his collective experience and improve your online business presence remarkably in shortest possible time. You earn more & faster!
  • Outsourcing your online marketing will also allow you to focus all your energy on managing your true business, provide good support to your clients & connect with them at personal level.

Outsource your Online Marketing to Digital Marketing Services India

Digital Marketing Services India is a New Delhi based Online Organic Marketing Agency. We build & highlight your online business presence, connecting your business with people looking for your products/services online & generate sales. If you want to start an online business or have one & wish to see it grow faster, get in touch with us.

If you are starting a local business, an online store, a company or you want to see your current business grow faster, we can be of help. We start by identifying the key words relevant to your business and create/update your website accordingly, next sparkle it with excellent SEO, bridge it with powerful social networks and create your business broadcast channels to bring in the customers. We strategize a local Organic digital campaign via Google Local Business Listings and Online classifieds for excellent local reach and high online visibility. We do all of this and more at very little cost. Our services are reliable, result oriented and hassle free from the very start. You can trust us.

Contact | Digital Marketing Services India

If you wish to see your business growing wings on the internet, then we are the right people to take it to the next level. We can help and guide if you could tell us about your business, products/services, expectations, budget and timelines. You can share it all using the form given below. We will review your requirements and come back to you with very specific answers to your points of concern. The more details you give, the better we will be able to understand and respond to your requirements. You can be assured that all information submitted on our website is confidential and will not be shared with any 3rd party in any form, anyhow.

If you have a query please fill the form given here and our team will get back to you asap!

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